Friday, July 8, 2011

Sick Camera

Alas, alack. My camera's USB cord/charger is not working. Which means I can't take pictures of the world around me. I am sad. I couldn't take a picture of my One Flower Wednesday  at  Journey of A Quilter .   But, I hope I can take some soon. Maybe my son will teach me on how use his camera.  Until then, check out the gorgeous gardens Karen is sponsoring at her site. It will make your day! Meanwhile, I will have to be content with using words to tell you of my adventures. Maybe I will find some Internet images to keep the boredom at bay.

Monday: 4th of July: BBQ'd with my family at my son's home:
Okay, there weren't any little ones...but isn't this picture great?!
Tuesday: The spirit of some crazed bathroom declutterer took over and now "my" bathroom is pretty and sparkles. You may recall, I live with two teenage sons and a husband. That is a total of three men. I long ago gave up trying to keep up with them and gave them  their "own" bathroom.  Unfortunately is is the main bathroom. It is their responsibility to keep it clean.  Mine is the tiny bathroom off the master bedroom, but it forces me to keep my crap  stuff  from growing at too fast a rate.
Wednesday:  Spent the morning cleaning/decluttering my family room.  I know you may be amazed by this; but it seems that much of my sewing paraphernalia has migrated to this room.  I KNOW. How does this happen? I blame my cat Thimble.

In the afternoon, I  helped out a friend...then led her astray to a local  quilt shop. I haven't gotten her hooked  YET, but I am working on it!! know how evil we quilters are...always evangelizing the benefits of a high fabric  fiber life style. 

Thursday:  Planned to finish the family room.  Ran errands with my 16 year old. Came home. I sat down on the couch in family room. My butt refused to get up. Hmmm....must have been a virus. Couldn't have been MOI?
Here it is Friday, and all I have accomplished is basic household hygiene...meals, laundry and dishes. Yes, I worked on hand projects in the evening. Yes, I strolled through the Internet filling my head with more ideas than I will ever be able to sew in a thousand life times. But, before my new meds a few weeks ago, I  wasn't even able to complete those takes. I need to remember that!!

Meanwhile,  I am continuing to work on the family room about 30-60 minutes at a time. Maybe it will soon be a calm peaceful spot. It is not as bad as it sounds. You have to recall, I am "busy as a turtle"; ie: I  move slow. But, I hope, that just like the story of the tortoise and the hare: in the end I shall win the race.

Sewing my pieces together, slow but steady...



  1. My camera cord stopped working too (I dropped the camera right where it plugs in) but I can remove the little memory card and download through my laptop. Whew! I didn't want to spend any money on a new camera at this time.

  2. Great blog post, Deb! Love the pictures you found! Hope you can get your camera up and going again!


  3. Is the problem that you can't charge your camera or that you can't get the pictures off the camera?
    Looks to me like you got a lot done this week, just a little here and there in different places. But is piles up when you add it together.

  4. Bummer Deb, I gotcha with the tech problems, I can relate!!! Keep on smiling and thankgoodness for our sons! :)

    Great blog post, Thanks for sharing cute ones that make us smile!


  5. Hope things are still progressing well for you! It will be fun to sit in your family room and do your hand stitching with peace and calm around you. Slow and steady!


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