Monday, November 21, 2011

Preparing For The Feast

Thanksgiving is approaching in the U.S.A. 
Somehow, I have a feeling the original Pilgrim ladies didn't have this much pressure with the first Thanksgiving.
You'll notice they celebrated OUTSIDE. Which means no  housecleaning!

So it didn't involve this!

Or this!
But,  The Cluttered Quilter has been working at her usual "busy as a turtle" pace and I have adopted the mantra:

Even though I have been a sporadic blogger of late, I have been decluttering.  I didn't take pictures of everything, however, here is a sampling of my "stuff" I have sent out into the universe to be appreciated by someone new.
Box of assorted "stuff"

A woven satchel that I decided I really don't need. So, I filled it with more STUFF and gave it to the thrift store.  

I learned the Day Rehab. portion of the mental health agency where I work has  knitting and crochet classes,  so I boxed up my old knitting and crochet magazines and some of my excess yarn stash and gave it to them.  I am happy to know they will be enjoyed and appreciated by people who probably can't afford the magazines I had hoarded  collected.
Box of yarn...mostly whole skeins, but a few scraps. 

A box of magazines is unbelievably heavy!! 
I forgot to take a picture of these, but I took two bags--maybe 15 old quilting/knitting/crocheting books and took them to Half Price Books.  I didn't get a lot of money for them, but it payed for the three books I ended up buying there!! So,  I took about 15 books and came home with 3 new ones. And I am SO excited about them!!

FUN embroidery & wool projects. 

A book I had never seen before, but which is filled with history and  pictures of gorgeous vintage  quilts.  My  family is originally from Iowa, so even though I don't live there, I feel connected to the state and it's history. 

Since I can no longer knit or crochet, I am intrigued with the idea of weaving--both fabric and yarn. 

So, that's my decluttering efforts. I am making progress. I may win this fight yet. I think I can...I think I can...I know I can!!

Now, onto the sewing front. I haven't don't much sewing lately. But, here are some pictures of the  strippy string blocks I made at my retreat in September.

The blocks are vintage and made of a thin fabrics.  I decided since I really couldn't reuse the fabric into new setting, I would simply cut the pieces of the "Apple Core" blocks and sew them like a string quilt block.

"Raw" unfinished torn/worn apple core quilt top

A sprinkling of blocks made "string" style by slicing the apple corp blocks. I used muslin as a base fabric.

Close up of a block. Doesn't the curved piecing of the Apple Core blocks make the string blocks look so much more complicated!! 

Another close up
Okay, one more set of close ups!! 
And before I sign off, a few giggles to keep in mind as you go through your week:

Now I know the secret!!

Thanks for stopping by! I got some more decluttering, cleaning and sewing to do!! 


  1. You're really making some decluttering progress! And your string blocks are awesome.

  2. Congratulations on all the decluttering! Two of your books really intrigue me. The "Scandinavian Needlework", love the felt purse on the front. And the "Patchwork Iowa Quilts and Quilters". Have fun with your new books! Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. I have been missing you and your blog.....I alway get a good laugh. Wonderful job decluttering......when I get back from my vacation that is my number one goal!! Really it is..................

  4. You are doing a great job of de-cluttering, Deb and your string blocks from that old quilt are really, really cool!! And I always love your funnies!!! Thanks for a great post!! Kris

  5. I love the way you used your apple core top to make strings blocks!! They look fantastic and I can't wait to see how you use them.


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