Friday, February 3, 2012

Bring On Winter!!

Ahh, pieceful time on the winter prairie
I live in Nebraska, USA.  Normally,  by February  I would be lamenting "I'm so tired of snow, ice, and cold weather."  Not this year. This year we have had record high temperatures. In January.  50-60 degree days back to back. Unheard of.  But,  finally, we have a major storm headed our way.  Oh boy!!  A reason to stay in and quilt!!

First...planned meals for the next three days...not forgetting Sunday is "Super Bowl Sunday." 

Grocery list made.  

Pre storm, Pre Super Bowl Shopping! 
Next, grocery shopping. Usually not a problem, but as any one who lives where it snows,  the day BEFORE a snow storm is hectic!!  The pioneer mentality sets in. People put on their Laura Ingalls Wilder sun bonnet and think it's  "The Long Winter" and  there is going to be a food shortage.  
Great book! Read it!!

So, with those tasks out of the way,  I am free to play the rest of the weekend!!  Remember these string blocks I made last fall?  They have percolated in my brain long enough and I am going to put them together this weekend...and if all goes well,  quilt them!! There are only 16 four inch blocks, so it will be a mini or doll size quilt. 

Oh, and in my decluttering process, I created a little space to put my sewing machine and SEW!  My sewing room in the basement has been going backwards in the decluttering process, but the more stuff I get rid of, the more space I will have in my sewing room.  

On that topic,  Pat Sloan is doing a series of postings in February over at Quilting Gallery  on  "de-stashing" and decluttering ones sewing room.   Since I always find these kind of postings motivating, I thought I would share the link!   

Enjoy your weekend!!  I'll keep you posted on my progress! 



  1. You should enter the UFO quilt contest at the Quilting Gallery! There is still time and you could win a new sewing macine.

  2. Hey Deb - Enjoy your winter storm!! I am jealous!! I hear Colorado (where I am from) had/is having a heck of a storm. I guess that is the storm coming your way!! Take care of you and your little family!! And stay warm!! oxoxKris

  3. I read that Colorado got 6 FEET of snow with this storm! Glad you're stocked up and have something to do when the storm hits your neck o' the woods! Fingers crossed that you don't lose power/heat!

  4. If it isn't the day before the snow storm, it is the first day after that everyone can get out that I also avoid the store! Stay warm and have fun quilting!


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