Hi! Today I attempted a novel strategy in Stash Management. I cut fabric into 6 1/2 inch squares.
I know...actually USING my quilting fabric. How fun!! I have been working on a quilt for my oldest son, Michael. He is an Auto Technician for Nissan, so it seemed fitting he have a quilt celebrating his love for all things mechanical. A few years ago I started collecting fabrics with a car/mechanics theme. Then, because that wasn't scrappy enough, I broadened it to include his other interests--fishing, golf, and Bat Man. The pattern is Tossed Nine Patch.

I decided to make the squares 6 1/2 inches so the blocks would be bigger, better show off the fabric and require fewer blocks. However, I got so into cutting squares, I will have ended up with enough blocks for a full size bed.
I did have a short period of panic today. I am using a gray and white print, "Diamond Plate" from Easy Rider fabric series by Robert Kaufman as a constant in each block.
I thought I would not have enough for one square for each block and began a desperate search on the Internet. I knew the chances were slim to none that I would find this fabric. I bought it about two years ago. Nothing on the Internet. Then, later in the day, I traipsed down stairs to my basement stash to look for something completely unrelated and discovered I had another half yard left. Yippee! I have enough! The Fabric Fairies are smiling on me today!!
Okay, maybe not a Fabric Fairy...but he guards my fabric from the gremlins! |
I hope the Fabric Fairies smile on you and your projects...and tell those dang gremlins to stay away from your stuff. You know, the ones who hide your favorite scissors? The ones you KNOW you left next to the your sewing machine and later find in a bag with a half finished project? Yeah, THOSE gremlins
Wishing you peaceful piecing,